
Information Architecture

What does an Architect do?

Architects organise and structure
systems so they're more usable
and intuitive.

We design the structure and order of a product or service, so that users can quickly find exactly what they need, and easily understand it once they do.

I’m often hired as a CX Researcher who also takes care of the Information Architecture for a given product or service. There is some overlap between the roles in terms of research, but they aren’t mutually exclusive.

An etched illustration of a cloaked figure witting at an architects desk. Small models of structures and various papers surround the figure, as they sit hard at work.
How do Architects improve systems?

A plethora of tools and
techniques are used to build
better systems and structures.

An architects illustration of various structures, some hovering, others firmly rooted to the ground. Each one has complicated facets and multi-level layering, with illegible annotations and symbols.

When improving or rebuilding systems from scratch, I rely on quantitative (data analysis) and qualitative (user insights) research to guide the process. Both research methods complement one another incredibly well, each serving a different purpose. 

We also create site maps, user flows, wireframes, and navigation schemes to help us to better visualise and communicate information systems.

Do I really need an Architect?

Here are just a few reasons
why you definitely should hire
an Information Architect

  1. Customers can’t find what they need
  2. Customers keep abandoning the experience
  3. Conversion is low
  4. You have a wealth of content, but no search / filters
  5. You receive bad reviews for your product or service
  6. Internal users or teams struggle with the existing CMS

Sounds familiar? Then get in touch today, and let’s discuss possible solutions for your business!

An etched illustration of a man walking through the labyrinth of an ancient walled city, with tall arched windows, high towers, and a large important structure in the distance.
A screenshot of the upcoming blog page, teasing three articles, and showcasing the variety of content.

From the Architects Desk

  • Helpful guides
  • Case studies
  • A deep dive in to research methods
  • Free downloads
  • Opinion pieces
  • …and more!

Where would you like to go next?

Browse my services

Learn about the various Customer Experience services that I offer onsite in Berlin, and remote internationally.

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Delve a bit deeper in to my past by downloading a truly sacred document of my working life.

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